Woman sat outside with edi relevant words printed on her tshirt
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion training through the medium of Welsh
Event: events
Tuesday, 25th March 09:30–12:30

Event info

Delivered by Adferiad in Welsh

In this practical, interactive cross-characteristic course learn how to implement equality, diversity and inclusion in practice for staff, volunteers, people who access services, and stakeholders.

Learning outcomes:

  • Understand what we mean by equality and diversity
  • Understand what the different protected characteristic groups are and who we mean
  • Understand what equality, diversity, and inclusion mean in practice
  • Explore language and terminology and key issues different communities experience and how this impacts on your practice
  • Understand how diversity operates in organisations and in communities
  • Understand how to improve equality, diversity, and inclusion
  • Reflect on how stereotyping works
  • Be able to plan and take actions to improve equality, diversity, and inclusion in your own work

Please register your interest with Yvonne on yvonne@creucymru.com