Creu Cymru are delighted to be able to share our brand-new Impact Report for Hynt, the national access scheme that works with theatres and arts centres in Wales to make sure there is a consistent offer available for visitors with access requirements, and their essential companions.
The Impact Report is the first time that we have evaluated the scheme in this way. We’ve seen the power that access to theatre and the arts can transform, and this was a chance to reinforce our story, share the stories of our users, venues and stakeholders. To share the successes and demonstrate what is brilliant, unique, and bold about the hynt scheme.
Hynt is an Arts Council of Wales initiative, managed by Creu Cymru in partnership with Diverse Cymru. In March 2014 Arts Council of Wales (ACW) appointed Creu Cymru to work in partnership with Diverse Cymru to deliver a single national access scheme for customers with disabilities and their essential companions. Hynt was developed with and by disabled people, the third sector, theatres and arts centres.
We are grateful to Arts Council England for funding this report and to Abigail Tweed – Milestone Tweed & Mark Richardson – Social Impact Consulting for carrying out such a comprehensive report.
The full report can be found here, where you will also find an Easy Read version and a BSL Version.