person printing go green words on a piece of paper in green

Creu Cymru recognises its responsibility to its staff, member organisations and communities to work towards a sustainable future.

Creu Cymru seeks to employ sustainable methods wherever possible and to promote principles of sustainable development by raising awareness within the organisation and its members, engaging with environmental issues and taking account of the economic and social impact of our actions.

Creu Cymru acknowledges the connection between the climate and other environmental crises and the threat of current and future homelessness, disease, food and water shortages and poverty for millions of people around the world, as well as the major damage being caused to our natural eco-systems.

It therefore recognises its responsibility to reduce its carbon and environmental footprints and formally commits itself to being an environmentally responsible charity.

Creu Cymru aims to lead the sector in establishing models of best practice in sustainability for theatres and arts centres across Wales.

We monitor our use of resources and maximise the efficiency with which they are used: minimising the use of materials and energy, reducing waste and recycling wherever possible.

We recognise the particular challenges that are faced in a largely rural nation with limited provision of public transport and aim to avoid unnecessary car journeys wherever possible: siting meetings to minimise travel for participants, car-sharing, home-working and making use of conference calls and other media where feasible.

Creu Cymru is committed to implementing and exceeding the requirements of all relevant sustainability legislation.

We believe theatre has an urgent role to play in our journey to living and working sustainably, and that theatre’s own transition is best achieved through a shared language, action and standards that allow us to collaborate and learn together.

As a result of the Covid-19 pandemic we moved to online meetings for most of the activity. We have continued to work in a hybrid way, saving on both costs and impact on the environment for both staff and members, which also allowed more members to attend.

We encourage car sharing and sustainable methods of transport for Board Meetings and other in-person events and offer incentives for those attending our annual conference if people are able to travel in a sustainable way.

We worked with Paddy Dillon and the Theatres Trust on the creation of the Theatre Green Book and facilitated consultation sessions with members.

We have been a home working organisation since 2010. This eliminates the need for a daily commute, which in turn reduces the amount of CO₂ emissions each staff member generates. We are also paper light organisation.


Green Mapping

We have worked with Theatr Iolo and Theatr na nÓg on some initial research into mapping electric charging points linked to theatres and arts centres around Wales. Thanks to the sterling efforts of Theatr Iolo’s Creative Apprentice we are now able to share that work below.

Our next steps on this work are talking to ACW and looking at other funding sources to support in the future.

External Resources

Julie’s Bicycle:  Julie’s Bicycle is a pioneering not-for-profit mobilising the arts and culture to take action on the climate and ecological crisis.  Founded by the music industry in 2007 and now working across the arts and culture, Julie’s Bicycle has partnered with over 2000 organisations in the UK and internationally.

Theatres Trust:  The Theatres Trust are the national advisory public body for theatres.  Set up by the government through an Act of Parliament in 1976 and work to promote the better protection of theatres for the benefit of the nation.

Cynnal Cymru:  Cynnal Cymru are the leading sustainable development charity in Wales, enabling action towards a fair and just society, low carbon economy and a thriving natural environment.

Emergence Report: Creu Cymru Emergence Project worked in partnership with Julie’s Bicycle, Cardiff University and Cynnal Cymru supporting a network of 18 theatres and arts centres across Wales  Creu Cymru Emergence – Emergence (

Centre for Alternative Technology (CAT):  CAT is an educational charity dedicated to researching and communicating positive solutions for environmental change.

Natural Resources Wales:  Natural Resources Wales looks after our environment for people and nature.

Size of Wales:  Size of Wales provides funding and expertise to local and indigenous communities in tropical regions to support them to secure and sustain their precious forests, grow more trees and establish sustainable livelihoods. 

Groundwork Wales:  Groundwork is a federation of charities mobilising practical community action on poverty and the environment across the UK. We’re passionate about creating a future where every neighbourhood is vibrant and green, every community is strong and able to shape its own destiny and no-one is held back by their background or circumstances.

Carbon Trust Wales

Renew Wales:  Renew Wales is a practitioner led programme which helps communities in Wales to reduce their carbon footprint, adapt to the impacts of climate change and live more sustainably.