Promotion of Health
- Backup Helpline: 0800 464 7068, Mon-Fri, 9am-6pm/9pm. Urgent and non-urgent wellbeing support for those working in the live technical entertainment industry.
- CALM Helpline: 0800 58 58 58, 7 days a week, 5pm-Midnight. Support, information and signposting, available to anyone.
- MIND Infoline: 0300 123 3393, Mon-Fri, 9am-6pm. Information and signposting service, available to anyone.
- Music Support Helpline: 0800 030 6789, Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm. Listening service for anyone working in the UK music industry.
- Samaritans: 116 123, 7 days a week, 24 hours a day. Listening and support for anyone struggling to cope.
- Theatre Helpline: 0800 915 4617, 7 days a week, 24 hours a day. Support and signposting for anyone working in the UK theatre industry.
Support Organisations
Be Extra: a centre for wellbeing in the arts. Be Extra is a new, non-profit organisation founded by creatives for whom the arts are central to their lives and mental health. About us - Be Extra (be-extra.co.uk)
UK National Arts Wellbeing Collective (UKNAWC): the website includes sections on how to lead others and look after your own mental health. UK National Arts Wellbeing Collective |Wellbeing UK (uknawc.co.uk)
Creative Freedom: are one of the only organisations in the UK offering MHFA training targeted specifically at the creative and cultural sectors, led by those with direct experience of working in the sector. Campaign For Cultural Sector Mental Health | Creative Freedom (creative-freedom.org)
NHS Federation
Green Ribbon Arts Festival: The Green Ribbon Arts Festival is a new event in Wales to promote how the arts can prevent mental ill health, challenge perceptions, and improve artist’s networking. Home - Green Ribbon Arts Festival
Culture Health and Wellbeing Alliance - a library of resources on different topics including freelance support and guidance for working online. Culture Health and Wellbeing Alliance
Shape Arts https://www.shapearts.org.uk/
Workforce and Board Diversity
Hynt: Hynt is a national access scheme that works with theatres and arts centres in Wales to make sure there is a consistent offer available for visitors with an impairment or specific access requirement, and their Carers or Personal Assistants. https://www.hynt.co.uk/en/
Access to Work: Arts Council England and Disability Arts Online's: Access to Work: A Guide for the Arts and Culture Sector.
Other useful resources
There are lots of useful resources out there depending on what you need to know. You may find what you are looking for from the websites below.
Graeae's language guide Disability Rights UK
Attitude is everything: Attitude is everything improves deaf and disabled people’s access to live music, by working in partnerships with audiences, artists and the music industry. http://attitudeiseverything.org.uk/
Tourism for All: Tourism for All runs a Travel Planner website which offers info on accessible travel in the UK. Home (tourismforall.org.uk)
Shape Arts: Shape Arts is a disability led organisation which works to improve access to culture for disabled people by providing opportunities for disabled artists, training cultural institutions to be more open to disabled people, and through running participatory arts and development programmes. https://www.shapearts.org.uk/
Disability Arts Online: Sharing disability arts and culture with the world. https://disabilityarts.online/
Unlimited: Unlimited is an arts commissioning programme that enables new work by disabled artists to reach UK and international audiences. Unlimited's Cards For Inclusion
VocalEyes guidance for making PowerPoint presentations and slideshows accessible
Equity's guidance for Casting Directors to make self-tape auditions accessible
Disability Wales/Anabledd Cymru is the national association of disabled peoples organisations in Wales striving to achieve the rights and equality of all disabled people. https://www.disabilitywales.org/
Disability Arts Cymru: Disability Arts Cymru is the lead organisation for Disability Arts in Wales. https://disabilityarts.cymru/
Diverse Cymru: Diverse Cymru is a Welsh charity committed to supporting people faced with inequality and discrimination because of: age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex and sexual orientation www.diversecymru.org.uk
Race Council Cymru: The Race Council Cymru (RCC is the overarching umbrella body established by ethnic minority grassroots communities in Wales to bring key organisations and work together to combat racial prejudice, race discrimination, harassment, victimisation, abuse and violence. https://racecouncilcymru.org.uk/
EYST: Set up in 2005 by a group of ethnic minority young people in Swansea, it aimed to fill a gap in provision for young BME people aged 11-25 by providing a targeted, culturally sensitive and holistic support service to meet their needs. www.eyst.org.uk
Inc Arts: Inc Arts champions the creative, contractual and economic rights of the UK’s African, Asian, Caribbean and ethnically diverse arts sector workforce. Making inclusive change in the arts and cultural sector. Their vision is to create a thriving cultural community that allows everyone to do their best work. Inc Arts UK - Diversity, Consulting, Art
Inc Arts Unlock: Unlock is a toolkit for the creative and cultural sector to take measurable action against racism. Home | incartsunlock
Race Equality First: Race Equality First (REF) has over 40 years of experience as the recognised lead body in South Wales for tackling discrimination and hate crime and promoting the message that Race Equality is a human right. www.raceequalityfirst.org
Romani Arts: Romani Cultural and Arts Company are a community led development and educational organisation which aims to ensure that Gypsy, Roma & Traveller (GRT) communities can live in a more equal society. www.romaniarts.co.uk
Show Racism the Red Card (Wales): Show Racism the Red Card (SRtRC) is the UK’s largest anti-racism educational charity. It was established in January 1996, thanks in part to a donation by then Newcastle United goalkeeper Shaka Hislop. www.theredcard.org
Spot the Gap: Spot The Gap works with organisations across a range of sectors including the culture, sport, education and public sectors and with not for profits. They offer services in two areas, organisational: diversity and inclusion audits, action plans, strategy and training. Transformational: advocacy, policy, and campaigns strategy for social inclusion issues. https://www.spotthegap.com/services
Sour Lemons: Dismantling systemic racism in the arts and culture sector. www.sourlemons.co.uk
The Other Box: The Other Box educate and empower people to work and live more inclusively. Through training, consultancy and brand partnerships, The Other Box is a bridge to facilitating an honest conversation to better understand the importance and value of diversity and inclusion in the workplace. www.theotherbox.org
Welsh Refugee Council: Welsh Refugee Council are a charity with 30 years’ experience working with asylum seekers and refugees in Wales. Driven by a passion for human rights, equality and social justice and a desire to make Wales a welcoming nation of sanctuary for those seeking our protection. www.wrc.wales
Creative Mentor Network: Creative Mentor Network offer tailored consultancy and programme design for businesses who want to strengthen their diversity and inclusion in the organisation. https://www.creativementornetwork.org/consultancy
Green Park: A multi award winning consultancy, offering Executive search, Interim Management, Board Advisory, Diversity and Inclusion and Managed Service People Solutions across the private, public and third sectors. https://www.green-park.co.uk/
Tonic Theatre: Supporting the arts and cultural sector to achieve greater equality, diversity and inclusion. https://www.tonictheatre.co.uk/
Beatfreeks: Beatfreeks is an engagement and insight agency with a vital community of young creatives. Connecting them to brands, government and funders so they can influence how the world works. www.beatfreeks.com
Pride Cymru: Pride Cymru is a volunteer-led charity that works to promote the elimination of discrimination be it on the grounds of sexual orientation, gender, race, religion or ability. https://www.pridecymru.com/
Stonewall Cymru: At Stonewall, we stand for lesbian, gay, bi, trans, queer, questioning and ace (LGBTQ+) people everywhere. We imagine a world where all LGBTQ+ people are free to be ourselves and can live our lives to the full. https://www.stonewallcymru.org.uk/
WEN Wales: Wen Wales vision is of a Wales where all women and men have equal authority and opportunity to shape society and their own lives. www.wenwales.org.uk
Wales Council for Voluntary Action (WCVA): As the national membership body for voluntary organisations in Wales, WCVA exists to enable voluntary organisations to make a bigger difference together. www.wcva.cymru
Fair Pay
Chwarae Teg: Chwarae Teg is the charity inspiring, leading and delivering gender equality in Wales. https://chwaraeteg.com/
CULT Cymru: CULT Cymru is a learning project led by BECTU in partnership with Equity, the Musicians’ Union and the Writers’ Guild. Working with industry workers, employers and other organisations to arrange learning activities and networking events throughout Wales. https://cult.cymru/en/
Equity: Equity are a union of more 47,000 performers and creative practitioners, united in the fight for fair terms and conditions in the workplace. www.equity.org.uk
Bectu: Bectu is the union for creative ambition, representing over 40,000 staff, contract and freelance workers in the media and entertainment industries. www.bectu.org.uk
MU: The Musicians’ Union is a trade union representing musicians in the UK across all sectors of the music business. With a community of over 30,000 musicians working to protect our members’ rights and campaign for a fairer music industry. www.musiciansunion.org.uk
Writers Guild: The Writers’ Guild of Great Britain (WGGB) is a trade union representing professional writers in TV, film, theatre, radio, books, comedy, poetry, animation and videogames. Our members also include emerging and aspiring writers. https://writersguild.org.uk/
Wales TUC Cymru: Wales TUC Cymru is the voice of Wales at work. With 48 member unions, the Wales TUC represents 400,000 workers, campaigning for a fair deal at work and for social justice at home and abroad. www.tuc.org/wales
Progress in Lowering Carbon Footprint
Julie’s Bicycle: Julie’s Bicycle is a pioneering not-for-profit mobilising the arts and culture to take action on the climate and ecological crisis. Founded by the music industry in 2007 and now working across the arts and culture, Julie’s Bicycle has partnered with over 2000 organisations in the UK and internationally. www.juliesbicycle.com
Theatres Trust: The Theatres Trust are the national advisory public body for theatres. Set up by the government through an Act of Parliament in 1976 and work to promote the better protection of theatres for the benefit of the nation. www.theatrestrust.org.uk
Theatres Trust Green Book: http://www.theatrestrust.org.uk/how-we-help/sustainability
Cynnal Cymru: Cynnal Cymru are the leading sustainable development charity in Wales, enabling action towards a fair and just society, low carbon economy and a thriving natural environment. www.cynnalcymru.com
Emergence Report: Creu Cymru Emergence Project worked in partnership with Julie’s Bicycle, Cardiff University and Cynnal Cymru supporting a network of 18 theatres and arts centres across Wales Creu Cymru Emergence – Emergence (emergence-uk.org)
Centre for Alternative Technology (CAT): CAT is an educational charity dedicated to researching and communicating positive solutions for environmental change. www.cat.org.uk
Natural Resources Wales: Natural Resources Wales looks after our environment for people and nature. www.naturalresources.wales
Size of Wales: Size of Wales provides funding and expertise to local and indigenous communities in tropical regions to support them to secure and sustain their precious forests, grow more trees and establish sustainable livelihoods. www.sizeofwales.org.uk
Groundwork Wales: Groundwork is a federation of charities mobilising practical community action on poverty and the environment across the UK. We’re passionate about creating a future where every neighbourhood is vibrant and green, every community is strong and able to shape its own destiny and no-one is held back by their background or circumstances. https://www.groundwork.org.uk/hubs/southwales/
Carbon Trust Wales: https://www.carbontrust.com/our-projects/welsh-government-energy-service
Renew Wales: Renew Wales is a practitioner led programme which helps communities in Wales to reduce their carbon footprint, adapt to the impacts of climate change and live more sustainably. www.renewwales.org.uk
Growth Potential
(PiPA) Parents in Performing Arts: PiPA believes that a truly world class performing arts is inclusive of all talents and circumstances. We help our partners discover new possibilities, identifying flexible new approaches to employment which release latent talent and opportunities. https://pipacampaign.org/
Backstage Niche: Our first aim is to inform and encourage the young generation from various Global backgrounds to consider the exciting possibility of a career in backstage theatre. Planting a seed in their minds at a young age and exposing them to the vibrant world of theatre which exists behind the curtain and not just onstage. https://backstageniche.com/
Fuel Theatre – The New Normal Manifesto https://fueltheatre.com/the-new-normal-manifesto/
Creu Cymru are not responsible for content on external websites.