4 dancers on stage in sequined outfits
Executive Director (Joint CEO) - National Dance Company Wales
Job listing
31 March

Job info:

Reports to: Board of Trustees
Place of work: Dance House, Cardiff Bay
Fee rate: Based on an annual salary of £50,000 pro rata
Hours and contract: Flexible 40-60% (15-22.5 hours) per week for a 6–8-month period whilst the company finalises appointing a new Artistic Director (Joint CEO) and recruits a permanent Executive Director (Joint CEO)

National Dance Company Wales is looking for an Interim Executive Director (Joint CEO).

We’re looking for a leader with skills in people management, finance, managing change, and with knowledge of multiple income streams. 

You will have significant leadership experience and will be confident in all aspects of financial management. You will probably have worked in the arts and/or third sector and be used to leading dynamic teams. 

We recognise the positive values of diversity.  We promote equality and challenge discrimination, and because we want to reflect the society in which we work and love, we particularly welcome applications from people who are d/Deaf and disabled and of the Global Majority.

There is no hard closing date for this role. Applications will be reviewed as they are received. 

Registered as a Limited Company in England & Wales No. 1672419

Registered as a Charity in England & Wales No. 326227